(949) 644-0463 [email protected]


Good music is integral to inspirational worship. This is one area where our parish is decidedly traditional. We have one of the finest organs in Orange County. The annual Corona del Mar Baroque Festival began here and at Sherman Gardens, and we are still the site of the yearly Monday evening recital. Additionally, we have a grand piano, a harpsichord, and hand bells: instruments long associated with spiritual music.

Music is one of the strengths of our parish. We have always had on staff a music director who is an accomplished organist and choirmaster.

Music is a part of worship every Sunday. Our Holy Eucharist usually features many wonderful hymns, but the pandemic has silenced our singing voices. Not so our organ.

Saint Michael and All Angels has a choir comprised of parishioners and some semi-professional section leaders. In a normal year the choir performs regularly from September to June.

The Friends of Music is an in-house organization that supports special music programs at the church. We have been host to some fantastic performances over the years.

Friends of Music

Friends of Music is a group of St. Michael’s parishioners with a special interest in supporting and expanding our sacred music program.

To learn more about Friends of Music, click here.



Contact Us
St. Michael and All Angels
3233 Pacific View Drive
Corona del Mar, CA 92625
(949) 644-0463
[email protected]

Office Hours
Monday 9:00 am to 3:00 pm
Tuesday 7:30 am to Noon
Wednesday 9:00 am to 3:00 pm
Thursday 7:30 am to Noon
Friday and Saturday Closed

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St. Michael and All Angels is part of the Episcopal Diocese of Los Angeles.

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