Faith in Action

Canterbury Irvine

Community Table is the Campus Ministry of Canterbury Irvine, UCI: www.canterburyIrvine.org. The Community Table Chaplains are:
- The Rev. Cathie Capp of the United Methodist Church, Irvine
- Joyce Swaving of Saint George’s Episcopal Church, Laguna Hills
United Thank Offering

- Notice the good things that happen each day.
- Give thanks to God for those blessings.
- Make a thank offering for each blessing by dropping coins in your blue UTO Box.
- Watch as your blessing becomes a blessing to others.
From its initial collection in 1889, UTO has focused on gratitude and the importance of making a thank offering to remember that all good things come from God. Through the combined collection of UTO Blue Box coins, the UTO Board awards 100% of thank offerings as grants for one-year projects that support transforming and innovative ministries worldwide.
Mission Share Fund

The Mission Share Fund (MSF) is the primary funding source for diocesan programs, institutions, and for 26 mission congregations. The MSF enables the diocese to minister in areas of need throughout the Southland — being the arms and face and hands of Christ. All parishes within the diocese pledge a percentage of operating income to the MSF.
Mission congregations are doing mission work. Our contribution to the MSF directly contributes to Christ’s mission in the world. It directly supports the important work that is feeding hungry hearts and bringing God’s love to places where it is most needed.
Compass Rose Society
St. Michael and All Angels Corona del Mar and, separately, several of its parishioners are members of The Anglican Communion Compass Rose Society.
The Compass Rose Society was founded in 1997 to support the work of the Archbishop of Canterbury, the Anglican Consultative Council (which coordinates the activities of the 38 provinces of the Communion) and the Anglican Communion Office. To date, the Society has donated $8.2 million to the Council and, $2.8 million to projects in individual dioceses.
The Society’s annual objective is to donate $400,000 to the Anglican Consultative Council. To achieve this, new members join the Society with an initial gift of $10,000 and subsequently donate $2,500 – $3,000 annually to sustain their membership. Some individuals, parishes, and dioceses form groups (called chapters) to raise the initial gift. The chapter collectively gives the annual gift as well. Also, Society members often donate to projects throughout the Communion that they favor. The Society accepts gifts of cash, stock or other securities.
The Society meets annually in the UK. In addition to a business session featuring prominent speakers from the Communion, members attending meet with the Archbishop of Canterbury for a group audience, dinner, and worship. Following the annual meeting, a group of Society members usually visit a diocese in the Communion to which they have been invited — a Communion Visit — or travel to an important historic site in the Communion — a Study Trip.