St. Michael’s offers several Adult Christian Education and Small Discussion Group opportunities.
Adult Christian Education
A cornerstone of Adult Christian Education at St. Mike’s is Sunday Conversations. This is the chance to take a deeper dive into Bible study, church history, religious architecture, or other spiritual discussion as we make our ways through an ever-changing and exciting world. This Adult Sunday School class meets in the Davis Library at 11:00 am each Sunday after worship.
Small Discussion Groups
St. Mike’s offers several prayer and discussion groups that meet weekly or monthly. Enrich your spiritual life, learn something new, pitch in to help others, and connect with friends new and old by joining one or more of our small groups.
Join one, join all!
All are welcome to join us at one or all of these programs! Contact each ministry leader for more information. Check our Calendar and weekly worship bulletins for updates.
St. Mike’s Sunday Conversations
11:00 am in Michael’s Room and on Zoom
Join on Zoom: https://bit.ly/sundaysat11
Meeting ID: 822 5120 9687 / Passcode: Jonah24!
Contact: Kim Montgomery
Tuesday Night at Mike’s
Tuesdays at 6:00 pm on Zoom
Join on Zoom: https://bit.ly/tuesdayatmikes
Meeting ID: 834 2976 3754 / Passcode: none
Contact: Beth Bianchi
Inklings! Book Group
Third Mondays at 10:30 am in the Davis Library
Contact: Beth Bianchi
Prayer Shawl Ministry
Fridays at 10:00 am
Please join us as we knit or crochet and pray!
Contact: Julie Jenkins at 949-244-7103
Men’s Fellowship Group
Thursdays at 8:30 am in the Davis Library
Contact: Kim Montgomery
Parish Calendar