(949) 644-0463 [email protected]

St. Michael's Campus


Worship is centered in the sanctuary. For communion, parishioners form a circle around the altar. A skylight directly above the altar allows natural light to suffuse the worship space. Eight large stained glass windows surrounding the altar depict holy figures important to the parish including Jesus, St. Michael, the Virgin Mary, and St. Francis. The organ dominates the east wall.

Parish Center

The Parish Center was remodeled between January 2000 and March 2001. It features multiple classrooms, a basketball court, and a full-service kitchen. It is also the location of the Parish Office and Conference Room.

Michael’s Room

Michael’s Room is at the heart of the Parish Center. Six years after the remodeling of the Parish Center, it was redecorated to enhance its usefulness. It can be a place to sit and chat over a cup of coffee following worship. It can function as a large classroom or a dining room, and sometimes both at the same time.

Davis Library

The Davis Library, named after founding Rector John Davis, contains a collection of books that may be checked out by parishioners. It features an HDTV which can also function as a computer monitor for the Adult Education classes held there each week.

All Angels Court

All Angels Court is a basketball court, as well as a large meeting place, or large dining hall, or large worship space. Vacation Bible School remakes the Court every year into a new location for our children to visit during the summer program. It has been Jerusalem, the island of Patmos, and Ireland, to name just few of these “sets” created to engage the students. Regular classrooms line the south side of the court.

Memorial Garden

Just outside the Rector’s office is the Memorial Garden. In earlier days a church was often the site of the graveyard for the local community. The Memorial Garden is a place where the ashes of loved ones may be interred. It is quiet and peaceful, a place to come and spend time with those who have passed on.

Contact Us
St. Michael and All Angels
3233 Pacific View Drive
Corona del Mar, CA 92625
(949) 644-0463
[email protected]

Office Hours
Monday 9:00 am to 3:00 pm
Tuesday 7:30 am to Noon
Wednesday 9:00 am to 3:00 pm
Thursday 7:30 am to Noon
Friday and Saturday Closed

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