(949) 644-0463 [email protected]

Parish Directory

St. Michael’s uses the Breeze church management system. Breeze has self-service features that let you log on and quickly and easily maintain your contact information, connect with other parishioners, and manage your contributions to St. Michael’s.

Login Instructions

To get set up with Breeze, please contact the church office. We need to verify the identity of anyone requesting access to this sensitive information. We appreciate your patience.

Click here to access the secure Breeze directory

If you’ve forgotten your password, click here to retrieve it.

Or if you are accessing the directory for the first time, click here to enter your email address. If we can find an existing profile that matches, we’ll send you an invite by email.


  • After you submit your email address, check your inbox for an email from “Breeze Church Management.” If you don’t see it, check your Junk or Spam folder.
  • Follow the instructions in the email to access your profile. If this is the first time you’ve accessed the directory, your profile will contain the basic information that is already on file with St. Michael’s.
    Customize and add to your profile with pictures, family members’ information, etc.
  • You can also make donations and payments directly from your Breeze profile.

Breeze Mobile App

  1. Our directory is also available as a mobile app!
  2. Go to the App store on your mobile device.
  3. In the search bar, type “Breeze ChMS” and look for the sailboat.
  4. Download, install, and open the app.
  5. When asked what is your Church ID enter SMAA.
  6. Enter your email address and password. If you are accessing the directory for the first time, refer to the instructions above.

Need help? Please contact us.

Contact Us
St. Michael and All Angels
3233 Pacific View Drive
Corona del Mar, CA 92625
(949) 644-0463
[email protected]

Office Hours
Monday 9:00 am to 3:00 pm
Tuesday 7:30 am to Noon
Wednesday 9:00 am to 3:00 pm
Thursday 7:30 am to Noon
Friday and Saturday Closed

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St. Michael and All Angels is part of the Episcopal Diocese of Los Angeles.

©2025 St. Michael and All Angels. All rights reserved.

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