UTO Ingathering
Sunday, October 8 at 9:30 am
Some of Jesus' public prayers were of thanksgiving for food: loaves and fishes, breaking bread at the Last Supper and so on. In the same spirit, we give thanks through our weekly remembrance of Jesus' death, resurrection, and ascension in the Great Thanksgiving, or Eucharistic Prayer. We can also give thanks for the many spiritual feasts that we experience throughout the week. One way that is tangible and measurable and involves our UTO Blue Boxes. Had a great day? Drop a coin of thanks in. Had a bad day? Drop a coin of thanks that tomorrow is a new day in. We'll collect them on October 8 and we will give thanks together. Not big on cash? No problem, simply keep a gratitude journal by writing things you are thankful for on paper and put it in your box. Then open it before the Ingathering, read them all and make a thank offering online at www.unitedthankoffering.org/give. We’ll have, “I donated online” cards so you can still participate in the Ingathering. Our thanks will become thanksgivings for many others. As loaves and fishes, so will our gratitude multiply!
#UTO #UnitedThankOffering #TheEpiscopalChurch