Transition Update | Phase 1: What's Next?
This week we focus our hearts and minds on Phase 1: a Good Goodbye with beloved Michael+. But there’s a lot else going on that I want to share with you for peace of mind. Don’t be anxious. Saint Michael’s has a solid go-forward transition plan. Here’s an overview:
- The Rev. Dr. Barbara Stewart has graciously agreed to serve as our “Interim Interim” starting 11/29/2020. Barbara+ will lead our parish through December and into January 2021. Bless you, Barbara+!
- An 11-member Transition Committee will be commissioned on 12/06/2020. Please save the date and plan to join worship on 12/06 to lift them up. The Transition Committee will begin their work in early January with guidance provided by the Diocesan Transition Ministry team.
- We’ll be joined by an Interim Priest-in-Charge in late January or early February. This individual is relocating to Southern California from out of state. I wish I could share more with you but we cannot announce details until her congregation has been notified. Please hang tight!
As we continue through Phase 1, remember that seeking new clergy leadership is a spiritual process, not an executive search. It's a journey we will take together. The journey takes time. It will involve a lot of talking and sharing with one another. So ready your voice but still your heart. God is with us.