Transition Update | Phase 1: A Good Goodbye
Your vestry recently met with the Formation and Transition Ministry team from the Episcopal Diocese of Los Angeles who provided an overview of the ministry transition process. Of course, because each church is unique, each search is unique. However, there are established Episcopal principles that guide a transition. The first of these is Phase 1: A Good Goodbye.
A good beginning depends on a good ending. Over the next eight weeks we will devote our energies to celebrating Father Michael’s ministry and retirement, culminating with a special liturgy on Sunday, November 22, 2020. Save the date and watch for details to follow!
Prayer for Transition
Merciful God, be with us and guide us; open our minds and teach us; open our hearts and surround us with your love that we may feel your presence as we embark on this period of transition. Grant us an adventurous spirit, a willingness to explore new things, and mindfulness to listen for your voice in our works. Grant grace and commitment to those who are called to serve during this transition, that they may become faithful companions to each other and to this Parish. We ask all this through Jesus Christ, our Lord, who lives and reigns with you and the Holy Spirit, one God, now and forever. Amen.